2022 Health Challenge begins Jan. 10th

Dates: 4 weeks from Monday Jan 10th - Sunday Feb 6th

Prize: 60-min massage + $100 Sanitas gift card

We’ll be kicking off 2022 by giving you an opportunity to build better habits around how you eat, sleep, train, think and connect with each other. This Challenge will be different than any other you’ve done in the past, here’s how:

Our goal in this Challenge is to help you bring awareness to your habits and let you guide yourself with metrics that matter to you. We want you to be in the drivers seat on this one.

So in addition to keeping score of these factors, we’ll be hosting a goal setting workshop where you’ll create metrics that you want to track during the challenge. These metrics won’t count for points in the Challenge but they will serve to help you grow in ways that are meaningful to you. Think reading more, playing with your kids, putting your phone down or spending time outside.

The goal setting workshop will take place on Sunday January 9th at 12:30pm in the gym. There you will receive your Clean Challenge welcome packet that will include your scorecard and resources to help you succeed. Read on to see what we’ll be tracking and sign up today!

Clean Challenge Pricing

Members $50
Non-Members $95

- Track what Matters -

Log Your Food & Water

Record everything you eat and drink through the MyFitnessPal app. You’ll accumulate separate points for logging your food and drinking water on your scoresheet. You’ll earn 2 points for each complete day of food tracking 1 point each day for drinking 48 oz of water.

Spend 8+ Hours in Bed

Sleep is essential for maintenance and repair of your bodies systems. You tax them hard everyday and sleep gives you the chance to do it again the next day. You don’t have to be asleep, but you do need to spend 8 or more hours in bed without a screen. You’ll earn 1 point for each day of 8+ hours.

Train Hard & Log Your Workouts

Consistency has the largest effect on your progress towards your goals but we have to balance that with appropriate recovery as well. Log your workout scores in Wodify and earn 3 points for each day you come to the gym for up to 5 days in the week.

Stay Off the Sauce

Alcohol is a cause of inflammation in our bodies and inflammation plays a role in the development of chronic disease. Not to mention, having one too many drinks encourages you to deviate from the other habits you are trying to build. You can earn 2 points for each day you opt out.

Connect with Each Other

We are naturally social and living in a society that makes building meaningful relationships challenging. To help you build back those social bonds, call a family member or friend who you've lost touch with and chat for 15+ minutes. You can earn 2 points per call, up to twice per week.

Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

Tracking your food through MyFitnessPal will make this easier than ever before. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday to keep you fueled up, keep your gut healthy and build a bullet-proof immune system. Eating 5 servings per day will earn you 1 point.

Before & After

The first week of the Challenge will be a test week where we’ll complete 3 fitness tests on Mon-Wed-Fri. We’ll repeat these tests in week 5 following the conclusion of the Challenge. We also encourage you to take a before/after selfies and In-Body scans. You can earn points for all of these asks as well.

What Matters to You?!

Measurement begets improvement which is why the first step to improving at anything is relentelessly keeping score. So in our goal setting kickoff event on Sunday January 9th at 12:30pm Giancarlo will facilitate small group discussions meant to help you dial in on metrics you want to track.

Want to get in on the 2022 Health Challenge?


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