Member Spotlight: Mula Fitamo

1. Can you tell us about yourself? Hometown, where you work, important people in your life, how you enjoy spending your free time etc. 

Primarily, I would like to thank Jesus Christ my Savior for giving me the health and strength to do things in my life. I was born in a small village in Ethiopia where there is no electricity or flowing water (grew up drinking water from the river). When I was about 8 or 9 years old, my siblings and I moved to a city to pursue our education. We were the first generation to pursue our education, as both my parents do not know how to read and write; I believe the word used is “illiterate”.

My oldest brother was the first to get an education. He opened the door for all of us who are younger to get better access both financially and served as a role model. When I was in 11th grade, I took the SAT. I scored really well on and applied to colleges in the USA. I was accepted to FIT (Florida Institute of Technology) but ended up studying at the University of Wyoming for both my undergrad and graduate work. I currently work for a company called Zayo Group, LLC that is across the street from CrossFit Sanitas.

2. How did you start doing CrossFit and what’s your background in sport/fitness/movement prior to that?

The first time I heard about CrossFit was about 5 years ago. It was just a few months after I had moved to Boulder. I saw runners outside on Arapahoe Ave and I was super curious. I went inside the gym and a lovely woman gave me a pamphlet. I didn’t take it seriously at the time, because everyone (dream killers) I asked about CrossFit was like, “it’s so hard”. Prior to CrossFit, I played soccer regularly in high school and a year in college competitively as a walk-on. I currently play pick-up soccer games and some tournaments in Denver.

3. What initially interested you about CrossFit?

I started watching videos on YouTube and observed that most people doing CrossFit are very fit and healthy. I started attending class about a year ago, on and off and since May of 2022 I have taken CrossFit very seriously.

4. You’ve lost a significant amount of weight since starting, can you tell us about that?

The weight loss was a result of multiple activities and actions. The first thing I decided to do was to attend more CrossFit classes per week and added pre and post-WOD cardio workouts. But the most effective thing that helped with my weight loss was a change in diet. I stopped drinking alcohol in February of 2022 and adopted a low sugar diet and low carb diet. I started consuming lots of greens, protein rich nuts and eating less than I was used to.

5. What advice do you have for people who think they need to already be in shape in order to start CrossFit?

Do not listen to the dream killers! If something is on your mind that will influence your lifestyle in a positive way; don’t ask people’s opinion, just go ahead and give it a shot. I think this principle can be applied to many aspects.

6. How often are you training and what does that look like?

When I first started, I was coming in an average of twice a week but since I got serious I am coming 4-5 times a week. Honestly, I really like CrossFit and am addicted to the positive way it makes me feel now.

7. What’s your favorite thing about being a member at Sanitas?

The coaching team really understands you and makes you feel very important. Each of the coaches have a unique style of coaching. The environment is friendly and everyone want to see everyone do better.

8. What inspires you about other members in the gym?

As Coach Lori would say, “athletes”, all athletes motivate each other in addition to the coaches. All the coaches and athletes are very positive and supportive of one another.

9. What are your favorite CrossFit movements? Any you can’t stand?

Well obviously, any kind of movement I can do are my favorites. I came to an understanding recently that every movement is beneficial, so I strive to get better at every movement the coaches have on the schedule. I am enjoying the challenge.

10. What do you like to do when you’re not in the gym?

When I am not in the gym, I like to go to sporting events. I also enjoy playing indoor soccer with friends.


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